Greetings my friend, Recently, I've observed a phenomena that has been particularly bothering me. In our western society toxic-positivity has been promoted, and become the semi-norm. From motivational speakers preaching about "no-negativity", to doctors prescribing anti-depressants to the smallest of negative thought, to marijuana being more and more accepted by people who don't need it's medicinal properties, our obsession with happiness as infiltrated almost every layer of society. So, you may ask, what's the harm in it? What's wrong with being positive? Well, of course nothing. It's simply emotions or a state of mind. However, like anything in life, excess of it is detrimental to the individual and to society. Too much drinking leads to liver disease, too much smoking leads to lung issues, too much food causes stomach pain, too much oxygen causes oxygen sickness, too much sadness causes depression. This is not any different with positivity....