Why does the preacher have difficulty believe that his truth is the only truth? Is another "truth" a difficult concept to understand?
Although the church played a significant role in the west, and the mosque/islam in Middle East and North Africa, the far east seems to have escaped the overreaching dogma of the "only truth". Why does the individual forego any resemblance of critical thinking when faced with a certain set of beliefs by the moral authority he subscribes to?
When accepting something as the "truth", especially within the metaphysical we close out minds to the endless possibilities. The thought is so engraved in our system that we refuse any constructive argument.The person who tells you to have faith and believe without listing a certain set of realistic basis for it, is an enemy of critical thinking and human scientific/spiritual advancement. Understanding is a human beings natural wish and desire, and wanting to understand is one of the ultimate pillars of human nature. Thus we must try to understand our, and others', faith and belief systems if we want to navigate to the spiritual truth. Simply looking at a religion as evil due to not understanding or refusing to understand the context due to the pre-conceived resistance puts us away from the truth, and our creator's wish for us.
When Jesuits started to spread the gospel in Qing China, they first tried to understand the language. This was followed by an attempt to understand the culture. This was further developed to find various similarities between bible stories and common Chinese folklore.
Understanding is at the core of faith and belief. The more we make sense of our beliefs and belief systems, the closer we get to the creator/heaven.
Look out to nature and understand how everything is created in complete perfection. All the way down to the DNA that mutates to adapt to certain situations. This is the creator's plan. The truth that the creator wants is understanding and questioning to understand further. We all are under the guiding light of heaven, yet we choose to blind ourselves to the perfection of it all and try to push dogmatic "truth"s onto others, only failing to see that we aren't the enlightened ones.
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